Friday, May 30, 2008

Roof with a View

Another month another Thirsty Thursday, this time at the gorgeous Great John Street Hotel. Blackburn Pie was in the area in the form of the lovely Christophe.

He was filming the TT ladies, getting views on why it's such a success and so very popular.

It's only when you actually stop and think about it that you realise: fabulous locations, a laid back atmosphere, and no testosterone all contribute to great networking events. Sexist? Maybe. But we love it.

Wherever I Lay My Hat

This is going to be my home for the first few weeks in Dubai, The Escape Tower.
At almost 50 storeys high, it is rather tall. And bearing in mind that our apartment is on the 30th floor (higher than Cloud 23, which is on the ....23rd floor of the Hilton) i am a little nervous about the vertigo situation!

Even after a few drinks I have to be coaxed round Cloud 23, all the while gripping onto walls, chairs, etc.

What you can't see from this picture is the rooftop pool or gym.

I am assured that the view is spectacular. When I muster up the courage to take a look, I shall confirm whether this is true!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Walk Like A....Badger?!

There has been much excitement, nay hysteria, from a certain young man by the name of Tweenie, at the prospect of Badger Walking going global.

Yes, dear readers, I can confirm the rumours. I intend to put Badger Walking onto the international stage.

I cannot confirm where or when, but I promise that any such activity will be recorded for posterity for the public. How could I deny the Badger Walking Fans such a treat.

Major Dubai landmarks may or may not be included. Watch this space!

The Wonders of Technology

This probably won’t surprise you all, but in true socializing-laydeee fashion I already have a date in my diary in Dubai….for a coffee morning! Two days after my flight lands I am heading to Marks and Spencer (yes, they have one!) and meeting fellow Dubai ladies for a catch up!
No idea what it will be like: Desperate Housewives..? SATC? Or other new arrivals fresh from the plane? Either way I’m sure it’s going to be very interesting and a mine of information. I shall of course report back here.
As I will be in Dubai for my birthday I am also wondering how that will be spent…perhaps the ladies at the coffee morning can give me some tips??!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Afternoon Tea

And so the goodbyes continue. The weekend saw, well, not really a goodbye, but a delicious afternoon tea at the gorgeous Lowry. Thanks to Helen for the comfy seats!
Agenda provided by Emma ensured that topics as diverse as 'BNTM/Katie and Peter/Dubai' were covered off in great detail. After stuffing ourselves stupid with sandwiches, cakes and champagne, I was home and on the sofa by 10 pm. Me, getting old? Never!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What Will I Miss the Most?

Well, obviously, friends, family and Frank, but what else? I got thinking about this as my lovely friend Michael asked me if I'd miss any English food or brands.

Well, my first thought would be: twiglets, but I've ascertained that they are on sale in Dubai. Apart from that I don't have a particular love of PG Tips/Baked Beans, or any other store cupboard staples.

Hang on! Mr Kipling! Asda Iced Mince Pies! Right, I'm off to research what is available in the cake aisle of Dubai supermarkets immediately. Otherwise dear friends, you know what you will be bringing with you when you visit!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Flight is Booked!

Well, that's another rather large milestone that I've just passed! Yes, the flight is booked, the date is set. June 9th - just under a month away!
Daily updates from the boy are making it all start to seem more real. He's acclimatising nicely to the searing heat - and the rather over-eager air conditioning in the apartment, bless.
Apparently there's a Wagamama on our street! Anyone who knows me will know that this is rather fabulous news. Now I don't intend to be one of those Brits abroad who ignores local customs/food etc in favour of British grub, but Waga's, well, that's rather special. The edamame alone are worth the trip. Yum.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

In the Words of Will Smith...

Summer, summer, summertime! The sun is shining people!
I'm sat in the office with the front door wide open, overlooking Ardwick Green. Blossom is falling from the trees, a warm breeze is unfurling gently round my legs.
Yes I KNOW Dubai is going to be much much hotter than this. But if there was ever an example of how good weather can affect the spirits, then today is the day.
The people of Manchester are wearing sunglasses and even smiling.
This fabulous weather took me surprise I have to confess, given the dire Bank Holiday weather. But when it's this gorgeous, who's complaining. Bring on year-round sunshine!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Spare Room

Took Mrs H to the airport today after a fun filled weekend. Was remarkably composed compared to last week when I took the boy. Yes, dear reader, there were tears that day. Thanks to Maggie for distracting me with Step Up 2, a fabulous film. And of course dinner at Waga's. Yum.
The thing is, we're used to saying goodbye, my dear old mum and me. We've been doing it ever since I boarded a plane for uni some....14 years ago (lord I'm old). Not saying it makes it easy by any stretch but it's certainly something we do regularly. Strange knowing I won't see her for 6 months, but we're already planning her first trip over (avec Mr H and Mrs H Senior, no less.)
Is Dubai ready for the Harvarde clan, en famille?!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Shop til You Drop...?

As a city dweller, I don't often attempt to go shopping at the weekends, after work is my preferred time. The shops are near-empty, and you can browse in a relaxed fashion, with acres of floor space ahead of you. Even trying clothes on is almost a pleasure.
Not so at the weekend. As Mrs H was here to stay we had to brave the crowds and shop during daylight hours. Our first attempt at Primark had to be aborted. The scrum of people searching desparately for bargains had us backing out of the shop after 5 minutes. Everywhere you looked there were people laden with bags, fighting their way past one another, queuing for hours to pay.
When we returned at 6 pm things had calmed down somewhat, but they were still doing a very good trade.
All this talk of a slow-down in the economy obviously hasn't reached Manchester yet!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Reality Check?

Attended the launch of the lovely Abode Hotel in Manchester last night. Very generous they were with the wine and food, too. Get the basics right like that and you'll always get a warm Manchester welcome.
One of my gorgeous friends was lamenting her waistline (the perils of hidden calories in wine, oh, and that giant bag of maltesers, oops). At the gym last week I was fascinated by how many women filed past me to weight themselves on the scales next to my locker. Do men ever obsess about this (other than the gays)? Still, none of this stopped us wolfing down canapes like crazed wildebeast.
Discussed various visits planned to Dubai by friends, and yet it still doesn't seem real. When will it hit me?