Sunday, January 06, 2013

Beach Fun without a Bikini

See: JO
I’ve blogged about incorporating running into my life on a few occasions. I’m very proud to say that I’ve gone from managing a few paltry, sweaty, wheezy minutes, to comfortably (or not) plodding along for 45. In December this fell by the wayside, which is criminal during one of our cooler months. Blame work I say (in fact, blame work for a lot, but that’s another story!).

Anyhow I’m back into a sort-of routine with it and have embraced the beach running track. Yes, much like South Beach in Miami or Bondi in Sydney, the beach is like a magnet for all sorts of activity in Dubai, and running is one of them. 

The track down at Jumeirah 1 is a joy: not just for its amazing bounciness (I swear my legs and shoulders sigh with relief when I step onto it) but also for the sheer number of people you see getting out and enjoying the weather. It’s in no way cramped, but full of all ages, creeds and colours, walking, running, rollerblading, or just playing on the sand and walking along the shore.

As the track meanders along the beach front houses, it’s a nice distraction to stare at the trillion dollar properties and imagine ‘could I live there?’ (Answer: yes. YES.) But mainly it’s a simple pleasure to plod along with some guilty pleasure tunes (Tom Jones anyone?) and soak up the friendly atmosphere. I won’t be breaking any land speed records but it’s so good for the soul. And that’s what counts.

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