Monday, May 05, 2008

Spare Room

Took Mrs H to the airport today after a fun filled weekend. Was remarkably composed compared to last week when I took the boy. Yes, dear reader, there were tears that day. Thanks to Maggie for distracting me with Step Up 2, a fabulous film. And of course dinner at Waga's. Yum.
The thing is, we're used to saying goodbye, my dear old mum and me. We've been doing it ever since I boarded a plane for uni some....14 years ago (lord I'm old). Not saying it makes it easy by any stretch but it's certainly something we do regularly. Strange knowing I won't see her for 6 months, but we're already planning her first trip over (avec Mr H and Mrs H Senior, no less.)
Is Dubai ready for the Harvarde clan, en famille?!

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