Thursday, April 01, 2010

I Fought the Law and....

I went to an interesting ‘Law of Attraction’ event with a friend last night. I’m a big believer in the whole concept, but I have to say, actually going to an event like this isn’t really my cup of tea. Give me a book on the subject that I can leaf through on the sofa/sun-lounger with wine, and I’m happier. Still, I went along with an open mind, and it was good just to catch up with my good friend on the journey there (on the METRO!!! Super exciting!!)

The event itself was disappointing, quite aside from there being too many ‘happy clappers’ there for my liking, the woman doing the talking was very confusing, kept contradicting herself, and over-using the word ‘awesome’. I think I counted 20 of them in a half hour speech. No need.

Anyway, we scuttled off for food and vino at half-time, cunningly avoiding the ‘networking’ session where everyone was supposed to ‘share’ their experiences. If the questions from the first half were anything to go by this would have been an interesting session – not. One woman asked the same question no less than three times. The urge to shout out ‘listen and understand, are you deaf!!??’ was strong.

The homeward trip (again, via Metro) was scuppered when we got to the station only to be told that it had stopped running. The last train leaves the MOE station at 10.22 pm. 10.22 pm??? I wasn’t planning on staying out too late on a school night (it was about 10.35 when we made it there) but come on Dubai. Do you really expect people to take a system seriously when it stops running at search an early hour? And especially in a country where families don’t even leave the house to go to the mall until 10 pm?!

Instead we queued for twenty minutes for the obligatory ‘drive like a maniac who has never heard of a speed limit’ taxi journey home. Dubai Metro, please extend your opening times!


Mrs Dubai said...

Have you read The Secret? It's about the law of attraction, but you can read it in bed with a glass of wine, and put it down if it's too much for one night ;)

Britney of Arabia said...

Not only do I have it, a friend just gave me the DVD - i shall be watching it with vino in due course!